About Us

How We Succeed

From basic vehicle repairs & maintenance to performance builds & modifications – Auto Car Spares Online has the most comprehensive product portfolio and knowledgeable staff to help you with all of your vehicle needs and projects.

Our long-term commitment to exceeding customer expectations is the driving force behind our success. We are a team of professionals who are working hard to provide you with the best products at the best prices, delivered to your door as soon as possible.

Our Story

PARTS iD, Inc. is a technology-driven, digital commerce company focused on creating custom infrastructure and unique user experiences within niche markets.

PARTS iD was originally founded in 2008 as Onyx Enterprises, Int’l, Corp. Its vision was to create a one-stop digital commerce destination for the automotive parts and accessories market.

This was achieved via Autocarsparesonline.com, which has become the premier category leading marketplace. The success of Auto Car Spares Online inspired pursuit of our long-term strategy to scale into similar markets via our proprietary built, modular digital commerce technology platform

All these retail marketplaces address similar market challenges and focus on the enthusiasts’ needs by implementing our seamless shopping experience using proprietary tools and techniques.

In November 2020, Onyx merged with Legacy Acquisition Corp. to form PARTS iD, Inc. Our data intelligence, integrated platforms, product cataloging, digital marketing expertise, and virtual warehousing have ensured our continued leadership in the competitive marketplace.

Our journey of building one of the most comprehensive and varied product portfolios has made PARTS iD a worldwide leader and a proven brand builder. The organization remains committed to delivering revolutionary shopping experiences and continued innovation.

Our Vision

We offer the online shopper a one-stop digital commerce platform with the largest selection of automotive parts and accessories available anywhere.

Our Mission

We appeal to the automotive enthusiast, from novice to expert, with an attractive, thorough, and easy-to-use website. Whether it’s repair parts they need or accessories they want, we have the selection to turn their automotive dreams into a reality.